


Minabe-Bairin Plum-Grove, Wakayama
Minabe-Bairin Plum-Grove, Wakayama


                                                          恋 の季節?


Panda pair at Ueno zoo confirmed to have mated


Ueno Zoological Gardens said female panda Shin Shin and male Ri Ri, both 11, mated after they were put in the same enclosure Monday morning. They normally live in separate pens.

Last week, the zoo removed the pair from public viewing after the female came into heat.

The breeding season for pandas is from February to May, and the window for conceiving is said to be just a few days.

In 2012, a cub was born to the pair but died six days later from pneumonia. In 2013, Shin Shin showed signs of being pregnant, but it was a false call.


      Tokyo zoo to remove panda showing signs of pregnancy from public display


            Giant panda Shin Shin gives birth to cub — and hope — at Ueno Zoo

                                                                                                                                                   by and Staff Writer
Ueno Zoo announced the birth of its first giant panda in five years on Monday. Shin Shin, 11, gave birth to a cub at 11:52 a.m., and the mother was confirmed to be holding the cub later in the day, said Mikako Kaneko, a section chief at Ueno Zoological Gardens in Tokyo. Because Shin Shin has been holding onto the baby, the zoo hasn’t been able to confirm its sex or weight, but it probably weighs around 150 grams, Kaneko said. She said both mother and cub appear to be healthy and that the cub cries out whenever Shin Shin shifts holding positions.

“I’m full of emotion. We are really happy about it,” Yutaka Fukuda, head of the zoo, said at a hastily convened news conference. “But we would like to carefully monitor them because the cub is still in a very early stage.”

The important thing for now is to monitor whether Shin Shin will properly look after the cub, Fukuda said.

Shin Shin and Ri Ri, also 11, produced a cub in 2012, but it died of pneumonia after six days. Since then, efforts to get Shin Shin pregnant had been fruitless.

“Panda is a very difficult animal to breed and there are still many things we don’t know,” Fukuda said. “I hope the cub will grow up healthy and contribute to conservation of the species.”

The zoo hasn’t decided when to put the cub on display, but it usually waits six months, Kaneko said.

The baby panda is expected to become a major draw at the venerable zoo.

Economist Katsuhiro Miyamoto, professor emeritus at Kansai University in Osaka Prefecture, said the panda’s birth would bolster Tokyo’s economy by ¥26.7 billion a year.

He estimates the joyful news will lift visitors to Ueno Zoo to 5.66 million, up 47.2 percent from 3.8 million in 2016. He arrived at the figure by adding ticket sales from the expected increase in attendance and making projections for spending in and around the zoo, including for dining, shopping and accommodations.

But this figure is only for Tokyo alone, Miyamoto said, noting that tourists from outside the metropolis could boost the effect by combining a zoo trip with visits to surrounding destinations, including Tokyo Disneyland in Chiba and Nikko Tochigi.

“A new panda at Ueno Zoo would have an enormous impact,” Miyamoto said, adding that he visited the park with his family in 1972, when the male Kang Kang and female Lan Lan arrived from China to become the first pandas in Japan, setting off a panda boom.

“Baby pandas are incredibly cute. I hope this baby will grow healthily.”

The zoo removed Shin Shin from public viewing on May 25 after she began showing signs of pregnancy. On Saturday, the panda appeared twitchy, pacing around the room. With help from an expert from China, the staff has been monitoring Shin Shin around the clock.

Upon hearing the news, Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike issued a statement welcoming the new addition to the family.

“We are very happy about the birth of a panda cub, which we have been waiting for,” Koike said.





                  兵庫県立美術館 安藤忠雄の新しい展示室を建設

                                                                                     Tadao Ando's New  Exhibition Hall


時計2017/2/15 17:01神戸新聞NEXT








                    Please tell me about the sento or Japaneese publicbathhouse which deffers from foreign countries.

   The sento is a typical Japanese public bathhouse where customers pay for entrance. It consists of a tub deep enough for the bather to immerse  the body up to the neck. The bather washes and rinses the body before entering the tub to soak. The sento became popular in the Edo period and served as gathering places where bathers chatted with friends and strangers. Modern public bathhouses with separate entrances are divided into two parts, one for men and the other for women, with dressing rooms and bathing rooms for each. Recently some public bathhouses have modernized facilities in accordance with the concept of ”Cool Japan”, like Oedo Onsen Monogatari in Odaiba, Tokyo.

   In the past, many Japanese lived in houses or apartments that were not equipped with baths. So they had to go to a public bathhouse. However, nowadays quite a number of public bathhouses are going out of buisiness, because people increasingly have private Japanese-style baths in their own homes and  newly-built condominiums or apartments. Another reason for the decrease of the sento is that young people do not  feel comfortable taking a bath with strangers and prefer to stay away from the sento. On the other hand, even today, though most homes have private baths, some people still prefer going to the sento to enjoy the ample hot water there and chat with friends and neighbors to pick up new information while enjoying the large bathrooms.      ( 通訳ガイド試験問題解答より )  




                                                                                                          ハタ  Grouper





                           忍者 とは?


            ☆            ☆           ☆




 今年の三月に邱大師が渋谷に「天厨菜館」(天子の厨房)という凄え名前のレストランを開いたという話を編集長の竹内ボクチャンが聞きこんできた。さっそくとんでいったところ、運よく大師に会うことができ、吉報を持ってもどってきた。それによると、大師は豪邸に客を招待してコックにご馳走をつくらせるのが面倒くさくなり、いっそそれならというのでレストランを一つ開いた。これは台北にある天厨菜館という北京料理の名前の支店で、コックも台北のその店からつれてきたし、メニューも台北のままである。ー中略ー 渋谷のホテルの地下に天子の厨房はあって、ー中略ー さて。大師選り抜きの本日の菜単は


天厨牛舌 坢海蜇皮 梨山芹菜 炸素鶏 以上四品は前菜 紅焼大排翅 北京火考鴨 鍋塔豆腐 玉燕羹 素餃子 三鮮海参

焼双冬 清蒸魚昌魚 菠飯炒飯 西米羹  ー中略ー


  つぎに「焼双冬」というのが出るが、これはシイタケ。タケノ子、キュウリなどのうま煮である。そのつぎが「清蒸鱨魚」(魚ヘンに昌)。マナガツオの淡塩蒸しである。中国人はこの魚、それから石斑魚(ハタ)、黄魚(イシモチ)などを清蒸にするのが大好きであるようだ。清蒸は魚がとれとれの新鮮でないと、蒸しあげたあとの肉が骨にからみつき、先端の丸い中国箸ではせせるのがむつかしくなる。彼らはこの種の、白い月危い、あえかな肉を持った魚をひどく愛する。しかし、そういうとれとれの魚は沿岸地方でないと手に入らないのだから、中国人でも清蒸魚の妙味を知っているのは全圏からすると人口はごくわずかなものではあるまいかと思う。ハタも、イシモチも、マナガツオも、これまでに私は清蒸にしてショロン、バンコック、香港、シンガポール、何度食べたことだろうか。これだってコックによっては出来・不出来にひどい差があることは、あの手当たり次第のチャブスイとまったくおなじことで、”腕”というものの不思議さをつくづくさとらされる。それに南の海には無数の魚がいるけれど、食べてうまいのはこれぐらいであるというのも奇妙なことである。あとの魚はたっぷり肉を持ってはいても妙に脂臭があっていけない。エビは巨大華麗なニシキエビよりはシバエビがよく、カニについては河口あたりのドロガニとガザミがいい。ここを心得てから東南方向へ出立なさることです。魚の味はなかなか玄妙で、見た目だけではとてもわからないところがある。香港の、例の、アバディーンの、水上レストランの生簀で首に値段札かけて泳いでいる、立派な姿・形の魚をかたっぱしから食べて幻滅なさるのが、何よりの勉強になります。  ー後略ー


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