

6月5日 DIAMOND PRINCESS の姿が朝ポートターミナルにあった。D・Pは朝9:00に着岸し17:00に出港して行った。台湾周遊と那覇・石垣帰港、神戸チャーター・クルーズのため那覇から来てこの後済州島へ向かう。D・Pは6月は5日、9日、13日、23日、そして30日と5回も神戸港にやって来る。この日は天気が良くて綺麗な入・出港の姿が見れた。石垣島は人気があるらしい。





ダイヤモンドプリンセスDiamond Princessはイギリスの船舶会社P&Oが所有・運航している外航クルーズ客船である。姉妹船はサファイアプリンセスとともに太平洋で就役した。2004年2月26日竣工、総トン数115.875トン、全長290.00m、全幅41.50m、高さ54m(水面上)、喫水85m、航海速力22.1ノット、旅客定員2,674名、乗組員1,238


船名 総トン数 バース 入港   出港   前港 次港 クルーズ内容(区間、日程など)
飛鳥Ⅱ 50,142 NAKA-BC 6月1日(木) 9:00 6月1日(木) 17:00 高知 新宮 神戸発着 日向・土佐クルーズ 帰港
神戸発着 初夏の熊野クルーズ 出港
飛鳥Ⅱ 50,142 NAKA-BC 6月3日(土) 9:00 6月3日(土) 17:00 新宮 日南 神戸発着 初夏の熊野クルーズ 帰港
神戸発着 日南・奄美クルーズ 出港
DIAMOND PRINCESS 115,906 4Q1/Q2 6月5日(月) 6:00 6月5日(月) 17:00 那覇 済州 台湾周遊と那覇・石垣 帰港
チャータークルーズ 出港
ぱしふぃっく びいなす 26,594 NAKA-BC 6月5日(月) 9:00 6月5日(月) 14:00 名古屋 神戸 初夏の神戸ワンナイトクルーズ 出港
ぱしふぃっく びいなす 26,594 NAKA-BC 6月6日(火) 10:00 6月6日(火) 17:00 神戸 二見 初夏の神戸ワンナイトクルーズ 帰港
世界自然遺産 小笠原クルーズ 出港
飛鳥Ⅱ 50,142 NAKA-BC 6月7日(水) 9:00 6月7日(水) 16:00 名瀬 横浜 神戸発着 日南・奄美クルーズ 帰港
2017年日本一周グランドクルーズ 出港
DIAMOND PRINCESS 115,906 4Q1/Q2 6月9日(金) 6:00 6月9日(金) 17:00 済州 済州 チャータークルーズ 帰港
チャータークルーズ 出港 
ぱしふぃっく びいなす 26,594 NAKA-BC 6月11日(日) 10:00 6月11日(日) 15:00 二見 横浜 世界自然遺産 小笠原クルーズ 帰港
DIAMOND PRINCESS 115,906 4Q1/Q2 6月13日(火) 6:00 6月13日(火) 17:00 済州 函館 チャータークルーズ 帰港
グランド北海道周遊と知床クルージング・サハリン 出港
DIAMOND PRINCESS 115,906 4Q1/Q2 6月23日(金) 6:00 6月23日(金) 17:00 コルサコフ 那覇 グランド北海道周遊と知床クルージング・サハリン 帰港
夏を先取り!那覇・石垣・台湾リゾートクルーズ 出港
DIAMOND PRINCESS 115,906 4Q1/Q2 6月30日(金) 6:00 6月30日(金) 17:00 基隆 高知 夏を先取り!那覇・石垣・台湾リゾートクルーズ 帰港










摩耶海岸通り1-3 摩耶シーサイドプレイスウエスト3番館の広域避難場所神戸市立なぎさ中学校
摩耶海岸通り1-3 摩耶シーサイドプレイスウエスト3番館の広域避難場所神戸市立なぎさ中学校


   Could you tell me about earthquakes, and high tidal waves ( tsunami ) in Japan ?   ガイド試験問題解答集より

 In Japan there is a humorous, popular saying fear "Earthquakes, Thunder, Fires and Boss ( father ) ". " Earthquakes " are ranked as the number one phenomenon to be feared in Japan, because they cause so much damage to communities and local people.

 The Japanese archipelago is situated on the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate. The Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate are squeezed in under these two plates and make the landforms unstable. That is why they often  cause a lot of earthquakes in and around these areas. There are many active faults in the strata that form the land of Japan which sometimes cause catastrophic damage to some areas, such as the " Great Kanto Earthquake " in 1923 and the " Great Hanshin -Awaji Earthquake " in 1995.

 In Japan there has also been much damage from tsunami or high tidal waves triggered by earthquakes, which generate a shift in the ocean floor topography. The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami hit the Tohoku region in 2011. It caused critical damege to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, resulting in severe releases of radioactivity. This became the first time a nuclear emergency had been declared in Japan.  



          閣議決定の重み 朝日6.11 2017 



Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Haiguda answers questions on Friday during an Upper House committee session at the Diet. | KYODO


Officials deny remarks attributed to them in Kake papers

                                                                                                          by Staff Writer     
Two senior government officials denied Friday making remarks attributed to them that appeared in leaked documents related to the Kake Gakuen scandal, spotlighting stark contradictions between the testimonies of education ministry bureaucrats and officials in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Cabinet

Koichi Hagiuda, deputy chief Cabinet secretary and a close aide to Abe, told a Diet session Friday that he never urged the Cabinet Office to revise government conditions for allowing a university to open a new veterinary department.

The revised conditions, allegedly proposed by Hagiuda, according to the documents, disqualified Kyoto Sangyo University, a potential rival of Okayama-based school operator Kake Gakuen, from applying for the special deregulation project.

“I have never given any instructions for revisions and am very perplexed by the email disclosed by the education ministry yesterday,” Hagiuda told a special Budget Committee session at the Upper House on Friday.

On Thursday, the education ministry released a revised draft of the government conditions and a related email sent by a Cabinet Office official. The ministry has been conducting an in-house investigation into alleged government favoritism for Kake Gakuen, which is chaired by one of Prime Minister Abe’s close friends..

An official in the ministry, whose name is being withheld, in the email quoted Yutaka Fujiwara, a senior Cabinet Office official, as saying the revision was made based on “an instruction from Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Hagiuda of the Prime Minister’s Office.”

The revelation of the draft and email made headlines Friday because Hagiuda is not the official in charge of the deregulation project, deepening public suspicions that Abe, or other officials, took steps to ensure a favorable outcome for Kake Gakuen.

The PDF of the draft showed that three hand-written phrases were inserted into the text that stipulated a university can open a veterinary department “only if” a similar department does not exist in nearby regions.

Opposition lawmakers pointed out the changes favored Kake Gakuen because it disqualified its rival Kyoto Sangyo University because nearby Osaka Prefecture University already has such a department.

On Friday, the Cabinet Office also challenged the credibility of the content of the email, which was sent to the education ministry in November.

According to Kozo Yamamoto, a state minister in charge of the Cabinet Office, the email was written by a Cabinet official who was not in charge of Kake Gakuen issues.

According to a claim made to reporters by Yamamoto on Friday morning, the official, whose name is being withheld by the government, told an investigative team led by Yamamoto that he wrote the email based on “hearsay circulating within his division” without confirming the facts.

During the same Diet session on Friday, Fujiwara also denied that Hagiuda gave any instruction to revise the government conditions.

Fujiwara is considered a key figure at the center of the scandal. According to a Kake Gakuen-related document, Fujiwara in September pressured the education ministry to approve Kake Gakuen’s application “as quickly as possible” by citing the intent of officials at “the highest-level” in the prime minister’s Office.

“My understanding is that I never said anything about what ‘highest-level’ officials said or ‘the intent of the prime minister’ on any specific project,” Fujiwara said.

Meanwhile Fujiwara also pointed out that Abe has frequently said in public that in general, any deregulation project should be carried out as quickly as possible.

Fujiwara said he might have mentioned remarks by Abe on the issue during meetings with education ministry officials.

But, he claimed, even if he did, he didn’t mean to say Abe is specifically pushing the Kake Gakuen project in particular.

Abe plans to reshuffle Cabinet, LDP leadership to ease public anger over Kake scandal, conspiracy bill


Abe plans to reshuffle Cabinet, LDP leadership to ease public anger over Kake scandal, conspiracy bill


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to reshuffle his Cabinet and the executive posts of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party in light of the Kake Gakuen scandal, sources say.


Cabinet’s support rate sinks to 44.9% as scandals, conspiracy law take toll


In the nationwide telephone survey on Saturday and Sunday, 67.7 percent of the public was found to disapprove of the unorthodox procedural tactics used by the ruling coalition to ram the contentious conspiracy bill through the Diet. The new law punishes the planning, rather than the execution, of “serious” crimes.

Regarding allegations that Abe pressured bureaucrats to approve a new veterinary department at a university run by his close friend, 73.8 percent said they were not convinced by the government’s now hollow denials. Those who said they were convinced came to just 18.1 percent.

The scandal involves the Kake Educational Institution (Kake Gakuen), which, in a rare move, was allowed to open a new animal medicine department in a specially deregulated zone in Ehime Prefecture.

Of the respondents, 84.9 percent said the government’s internal investigation did not reveal the facts about the construction project and 9.3 percent said it did.

Respondents were also divided over the conspiracy law itself, with 42.1 percent for it and 44.0 percent against. Those who said the new law could lead to greater state surveillance came to 50.7 percent.


                                                                                                           Another confirmed Kake document adds to pile suggesting Abefavoritism

                                                                                                                                                                                            by Staff Writer     
The education ministry confirmed Tuesday the existence of a newly reported ministry document suggesting the involvement of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the Kake Gakuen scandal, further deepening suspicion of alleged government favoritism for the Okayama-based school operator.


Reacting to Kake scandal, Abe now urges even more new animal medicine departments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       JIJI, Kyodo     


Abe’s LDP faces stiff challenge in Tokyo assembly election

                                                                                                                                                                                        by Staff Writer    
A slew of alleged misdeeds and scandals implicating Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are expected to turn the campaign for the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Election, which kicked off Friday, into the toughest battle his ruling party has seen in recent years.

  Glaring gaps in the Kake Gakuen probe



Opposition parties compel Abe to reopen Diet for Kake probe, invoking Article 53

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             by Staff Writer    
 Four opposition parties jointly called on the Cabinet Thursday to immediately convene an extraordinary Diet session to reopen deliberations on the Kake Gakuen scandal, invoking Article 53 of the Constitution.

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     Abe prods LDP to speed up work on charter as approval ratings sink


A bill to curb passive smoking will apparently not be passed the current Diet session due to a conflict between the health ministry and ruling Liberal Democratic Party. | ISTOCK  /

Indoor smoking ban shelved as LDP and health ministry reach impasse, sources say


Government and party sources said Monday that the ministry and the LDP still cannot agree on what kinds of eating and drinking establishments should be designated as exceptions to an indoor smoking ban.

The current Diet session is set to end on June 18, after which an extraordinary Diet session is expected to be convened in the fall.

The government will aim to get the bill passed in that session, the sources said, in light of the international spotlight set to fall on Japan as it hosts the Rugby World Cup in 2019 and the Olympic Games in 2020.

In a report last year, the health ministry estimated that 15,000 people die annually in Japan from diseases related to passive smoking.

According to the sources, the bill was initially meant to be submitted to the Diet three months ago, but it has been delayed by the failure of the ministry and the LDP to reach a compromise despite repeated negotiations.

The health ministry wants to limit the smoking ban exemption to very small bars with a floor area of less than 30 sq. meters, but the party wants to make the maximum area 150 sq. meters and allow smoking in any type of establishment that meets certain conditions, such as keeping out minors.

Health minister Yasuhisa Shiozaki and LDP chief policymaker Toshimitsu Motegi failed to strike a deal over details about the possible exceptions through their meeting on May 24.

Based on the World Health Organization’s standard, Japan is among the lowest-ranked countries in terms of tobacco control, with no smoke-free law covering all indoor public places.

The WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control calls for a blanket ban on indoor smoking at eight kinds of public places such as hospital, public transportation, restaurant and bars.

Nearly 50 countries have made all eight categories non-smoking, but Japan has yet to designate any of them as smoke-free.

WHO and the International Olympic Committee agreed in 2010 to promote tobacco-free Olympic events.

WHO chief Margaret Chan urged Japan earlier this year to implement measures aimed at making all public places nationwide completely smoke-free.

“I urge you to ensure that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics maintain the long-standing tradition of adopting tobacco free policies and, specifically, I urge Japan to adopt a complete ban on smoking in indoor public places at the national level,” Chan said in a March 29 letter to the Japanese health ministry.

A group of lung cancer patients in Japan called for an early submission of the bill. “Nearly 90 percent of the respondents in a poll said they inhaled smoke at restaurants and cafes,” said Kazuo Hasegawa, head of the Japan Lung Cancer Alliance.


Smokers make up less than 20% of Japan’s population for first time, survey finds


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